The coronavirus has caused a lot of uncertainty, and the government is tapping into every resource it can to best serve the public. From working with agencies to improving cyber posture to detecting outbreaks and identifying patterns, Dcode alumni are making sure their tech is helping the government.
These companies are using their tech to assist government efforts to analyze data, secure communications, publicize important information, and strengthen the tech stack available to the White House Covid-19 Task Force. Many are also offering free support to those responding to the pandemic.
Trifacta, a data-wrangling company, is working with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on analytics. While these analytics are not necessarily related directly to the coronavirus, they are helping the CDC improve outbreak detection, identify transmission patterns, and provide community-tailored intervention — all of which can be helpful during the pandemic.
Wickr already helps federal agencies communicate securely and is now working with several agencies to ensure employees can use secure video and chat while responding to the pandemic. Wickr is helping the Department of Defense (DOD) with secure messaging and video, and Wickr is extending free access to Wickr Pro’s service as telework demands spike.
DataRobot is currently working with the White House Covid-19 Task Force to monitor and mitigate the crisis. DataRobot is offering free access to their artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platform to help with the response to the pandemic. The products DataRobot is offering are an automated ML tool and a cloud environment to prep data before applying AI.
OmniSci, an accelerated analytics company, is also working with the White House Task Force. OmniSci is publicizing Covid-19 data and working with the government to address the crisis.
RiskIQ, a cybersecurity company, is helping the public stay safe from cybercriminals trying to exploit the vulnerabilities due to the coronavirus outbreak. RiskIQ is publishing comprehensive daily reports that compile disparate data and intelligence related to Covid-19.
Thresher is offering free access to QuickCode to federal employees. The ML data labeling tool can make large datasets of Covid-19 data more navigable for researchers.
Ion Channel is offering free automated assurance that runs on a continuous basis to de-risk teleworking and make sure companies who take measures to keep employees safe and healthy do not become targets for cyberattacks or breaches of unassured software.
Fraym uses advanced ML to produce precise, local-level information about populations in Africa/Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. Fraym is sharing free data on vulnerable populations to governments and organizations focused on the global COVID-19 response. Fraym is also working with the development community, DoD and IC to build models of susceptibility, healthcare needs, food security risks, economic shocks, and more to inform resource allocation and planning during the crisis.
Builder has fast-tracked their new offering, an app called The Studio Store, aimed at helping small businesses with e-commerce and delivery. The app will be affordable and Builder will not take any cut of sales or transaction fees in order to help small businesses adapt.
Our alumni are stepping in to help the government respond to the pandemic and offering free solutions to help equip anyone who can help. Like all Dcode alumni, these companies are fully vetted for federal and equipped to succeed in the market, which allows the government to be able to work with them fast in combating the Covid-19 crisis as effectively as possible.
Visit our alumni portfolio to learn more about these companies. If you’re a government leader interested in working with our alumni to respond to Covid-19, email us at covid-response@dcode
If you’re interested in supporting Covid-19 response efforts, check out VolunteerMatch for ways to help.