Can innovative procurement live up to its promise?

Today we are faced with quickly evolving challenges from public health and international relations to climate-related disasters and cyberattacks. Meeting all of these challenges requires our government to take quick action using new tools. Quick action with unproven technology is not something inherent in the DNA of government, but to meet these challenges we must […]

5 Federal Market Questions for Tech Companies

by Mya Zemlock, GovHub Program Associate at Dcode The U.S. government is the biggest buyer of tech in the world. If you aren’t considering the federal market, why not? The financial opportunity alone is massive (and shielded from market fluctuations). Plus, you could help the government better serve Americans every day. The government desperately needs […]

Get Started with Government Contracting 101

Government Contracting 101

The federal government represents a massive market opportunity for commercial tech companies. But many aren’t sure how to get started and are left asking themselves how to become a government contractor. The government has a lot of money to spend on tech — the federal government spends about $500 billion in contracts every year — […]